In my younger years I didn't appreciate photographs, I was ignorant to the fact that each photo holds a memory, a memory that is sentimental to its owner. Going into my teens I only ever took 'selfies' and didn't think much of it.
Why be the same as everyone else, who wants to be red when
you can be multicoloured? |
Growing up I guess the world came a lot clearer to me, I was no longer naive and the world wasn't so black and white, things were different I was no longer walking in my own little bubble. I didn't properly pick up a camera until last year, and ever since it is has created an urge in my to try and capture the best moments. In college over the past year or so I have been developing my photography, taking pictures of all different things and well learning to edit. I'm still pretty amateur when it comes to photography however, I enjoy it and these are my favourites.
I adore how you can capture the beauty of the most simplest object in a snapshot. These are only samples, perhaps with each blog I post I will include and share my photography, as a picture paints a thousand words. I'm liking the idea of attaching a short story, or antidote to each image, within time of course, for my own amusement.
For a beginner I think I am doing pretty alright, as with most hobbies practise makes perfect. Although I don't fully know my way around a camera or photoshop, I do believe that I have an eye for capturing things, that perhaps would otherwise be overlooked.
- All images used on my blog are my own -
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