Hello lovelies!

It has been a little while; I've been working, going on adventures, and writing! I've been meaning to write about my most recent solo trip. I'm a few weeks  (maybe more than a few) late, but better late than never.

In July, I embarked on my third solo trip to Dublin, which is a little closer to home (somewhat). I spent a few days in Dublin and had the most refreshing time, including the quick one-hour flight.

The whole reason for my visit to Dublin, which I'm sure no one is surprised about, was to visit a library—to do the Book of Kells tour, to be exact. 

I booked a ticket and took a self-guided audio tour. If you know me, you'll know I appreciate libraries. The Kells library may be my favourite one yet. I enjoyed wandering through the different areas and learning about the beautiful history.

The whole reason I visited Dublin was the Kells library; it was a magical experience. The library is currently in restoration, so it wasn't in its full glory, but what was there was still mind-glowingly beautiful. I simply cannot resist a library.

The tour wasn't my only bookish adventure. I also visited a few Oscar Wilde spots, nosed in book windows, and wrote in coffee shops. It was a fabulous writing trip, and Dublin didn't disappoint in inspiring me.

There was something special about visiting a place home to some of the greatest writers we've ever known. If you've been around a while, you will know I don't just visit places for books; I'm a coffee fiend, too. Dublin had some fantastic coffee spots; the coffee below is a masterpiece from Bean Hive. 

The coffee was so pretty that I simply didn't want to drink it. The design clearly took great effort. It was a little warm but still delicious when I folded and drank it. 

I went to some different coffee spots in Dublin, including Shoe Lane Coffee, Cloud Picker Coffee, and Butters Chocolate Cafe. These were some great spots to write and also settle with my Kindle. I was reading a Bridgerton book at the time. 

I really enjoyed wandering through the streets of Dublin. I finally ticked off having my first Guinness in Ireland off my bucket list! I'm not overly a fan, but I enjoyed the experience of being in a friendly Irish pub. The locals were lovely—even if there was an England league sports game of sorts going on. Everyone I met was lovely, and the Irish accent will forever be one of my favourites. I hope to visit other areas of Ireland, but now that I've done Dublin, I'd like to explore further. It helps that it doesn't take very long to get there, and it's under an hour on a plane. Quicker than getting a train from Newcastle to London or Newcastle to Edinburgh. 

If you want to see more photos, I have a lot more Dublin and other content on my Instagram: @Writingmyheart.

My next post will be covering my best Pride yet!

Dublin: Book of Kells Tour & More

Saturday 5 October 2024

As Autumn knocks on the door, I reflect on the Summer. It has been an eventful one. I met my good friend Meg in June in York, a quaint and beautiful town. Before her train arrived, I had the most blissful breakfast, drinking coffee and writing by the river. 

York was filled with inspiration and some excellent coffee spots. Once I had breakfast, I had such a lovely walk through the museum gardens. There was this special moment when a young girl was hand-feeding a group of squirrels. They weren't afraid of her, and she was so kind to them. It felt like a moment from a Disney film. I sat in awe, and it was one of those moments where you really appreciate life's beauties. 

Once I met with Meg, we explored the wonderful town. York has many interesting shops, the sun was at its best, and we visited a few cute spots. It was nice to be reunited and see somewhere we had never visited. We had these fantastic treats from a nice little place called Bao in the shambles. 

We were also grateful for the seating areas anyone can pull up at; York is one of those chilled places. There were many people, but it's no surprise it was busy, especially considering how cute the place is. 

We also visited this really cool ghost shop, The York Ghost Merchants. The staff dressed up; it felt theatrical and was just good fun. Naturally, we had to purchase some ghosts to take home:

York is genuinely a joy to visit, perfect for a day trip. Around every corner, there was inspiration. Although I didn't plan to write (even though I carry my notebook everywhere), I did feel inspired and did some really good writing. I could see myself visiting again if I'm ever short of inspiration.

A Day in York

Saturday 14 September 2024

 Won't you have a coffee with me?

Sit across from me and let me learn your soul,

here, unlock my heart and take the key,

I dare you to make me feel whole.

Sip at your coffee and let me gaze into your eyes. 

Welcome to my brain that is a storm;

falling in love with me probably isn't that wise,

Have coffee with me, and let's make this a home.

Coffee with me

Tuesday 27 August 2024

 Hiya lovelies,

I may or may not be back in the swing of writing and posting again (hallelujah). It has been a hot minute since I shared a book review, and to be honest, it has been a hot minute since a book moved me enough to write a book review. 

Alas, a book has shaken me to the core. I actually came across this book in the Feel Good Club in Manchester. They had a small collection of books, and this one caught my attention: Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder.

This wholesome short read was absolutely refreshing. Bodies Are Cool is a cheerful love-your-body picture book for preschoolers, but I believe every person who has ever had a negative thought about their body would benefit from this gem. I have since bought myself a copy and plan to read it to all my nieces and nephews. 

The beautiful illustrations show bodies of all types, shapes and sizes. The book is filled with unique individuals and truly celebrates all bodies. The representation in this book is phenomenal and just beautiful. I even found myself in the pages:

I absolutely adored reading this book with my partner; it is so wholesome and genuinely made my soul happy. I simply want everybody in my life to read this book!

Bodies Are Cool

Saturday 24 August 2024

 Hello, my lovelies, 

I'm sharing some spoilers on my work in progress; not too much, just the vibes. I'm currently writing a feminist, queer witchy novel with three badass lead characters. I have become obsessed with their world. To aid me in writing, I have been creating whole mood boards, playlists, cute little character avatars- everything. 

If I had to say my witchy book was like something, I'd say the OG Charmed X The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I've always loved witches, magic, and women who are powerful and badass but also authentic. This story won't just highlight powerful women but also women who are genuine, who aren't perfect, and who make mistakes. 

I have ideas that this book will be part of a trilogy, but I need to continue drafting this first book before I even explore the possibility of a second or third. 

Below are some screenshots from my private Pinterest board so I can give you an accurate idea of the vibes of my current WIP. I own none of these images; they're all from Pinterest!

Naturally, I have a mood board and a dedicated playlist that I listen to whenever I work on my witchy novel. I won't share the whole playlist, but I will share my top five songs that capture the vibes perfectly!

Top 5 songs from my witchy novel playlist:

  1. Fleetwood Mac - Seven Wonders (2017 Remaster)
  2. Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
  3. Halsey - Young God
  4. Blondie - Heart of Glass (2002 Remaster)
  5. Florence + the Machine - Make Up Your Mind
You may be wondering about the progress of the book. The goal is 100K words; I'm at 40,000 so far. I have a long way to go, but I have dedicated more time to writing. My witches' stories fill me with happiness, and I want to share them with the world!

So, yes I'm writing a book. Once I've drafted it, I start the process of searching for a literary agent! I aim to have the book written by the end of the year. Watch this space!

Current WIP

Sunday 18 August 2024

 The Moon is a lesbian.

How do I know?

She demands my attention,

shining like the boldest in the room.

In my slumber, my body aches for her; 

I awaken and look out for her every night. 

My mind feels settled when I see her.

She is safe, and she is home.

When I am with her, she makes me feel whole.

 Every fibre in my being yearns for her.

She is always there.

I know I’m not her only one. 

There were many souls before mine,

and there’ll be even more after.

All who caught her gaze swore to love her.

Not me; I worship her.

I lay naked in her light,

embracing her energy as her rays touched my skin.

She empowers my soul, making me feel intensely,

electricity surging through my veins.

She is the almighty divine and powerful,

invigorating and delicious.

She takes my breath away

every single time.

The Moon is a lesbian,

And she’ll forever have my heart.

This poem is from my poetry collection, The Moon is a Lesbian. You can order a paperback version or purchase the new extended version on Kindle here. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read the collection for free!

The Moon is a Lesbian (Poem)

Tuesday 18 June 2024

 Hello, my lovelies!

I meant to share the post with you a little while ago, but life has been super busy! I do not want to go into too much detail, but I started a new job and have been on a few small adventures (with more to come), and things have been changing super quickly around me. I haven't had much time to stop and write, so it's nice that I can do so now!

It's no secret that I spent my birthday in Rome (back in March); it was, in fact, a dreamy long weekend holiday that was just gorgeous and bookish! Rome was my second solo trip, and I think I'm addicted to travelling alone? Especially when it means I can visit all the bookish spots I want. 

My birthday looked like this:

Keats-Shelley House Museum

Before the death of beloved writers John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley, they lived in small quarters in Rome. In 1909, the house was opened to the public as a museum and library. As a lover of literature and a writer myself, the Keats-Shelley house was at the top of my list to visit. I'm very glad it was because it was beautiful.

It was a very small museum, but it was powerful. You could see old texts of the writers, letters from close friends and even the bed Keats died in. 

The gift shop was quaint but lovely. I picked up a couple of poetry books, including a collection of poems about Rome. It was only natural that I found myself buying more books on my trip!

Birthday wish at the Trevi fountain

One of the first things I did on my birthday was head to the infamous Trevi fountain to make a birthday wish. I had, of course, seen many photos and videos of the beautiful fountain, but none of them had ever done it justice. It was truly beautiful, and many people flocked to see it and toss a coin.

Antico Caffé Greco

After my touristy exploration, I decided I needed a little midday treat at Antico CaffĂ© Greco. The establishment has been around since 1760 and is known as an 18th-century cafe and writer's haunt.  

I found this spot on an Instagram reel, and naturally, it had to be at the top of my list of places to visit in Rome. It did not disappoint. 

The decor was beautiful, the service was amazing, and it was definitely one of my favourite spots on the trip. 

Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

I'm not a religious person, but I appreciate the architecture and beauty of churches. I had seen many photos and videos of the Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and I knew I had to come and see it for myself. Seeing the beautiful ceiling and artwork within the church was certainly a highlight of my trip to Rome.

Liberia Tuba

I ended my birthday night with a Cosmopolitan at the brilliant, bookish bar. The owners are lesbian, and it's a sapphic safe environment for queer people; it was only right I visited a place that embodies so many of my own beliefs. The atmosphere was amazing and I'm really glad I got to visit this great space!

My birthday in Rome was truly special! I had so much fun exploring, and even on the days around my birthday, I visited some amazing places! I ate incredible Italian food, took many photos, and just enjoyed my visit. The other days, I visited incredible spots like the Colosseum, Vatican City, Spazio 7 (a book cafe), and many more. 

I have decided to make it my annual tradition to wake up in a new country every birthday. I do have my heart set on Paris next year!

A Bookish Birthday in Rome

Saturday 8 June 2024

 Hello, my lovelies!

I'm back from Rome (blog post about my trip pending), and I'm pleased to let you know that, as of March 23rd, you can access the Kindle version of The Moon is a Lesbian. It has 11 new poems. You can buy it now, or if you've got Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for FREE!

I'm ever so grateful for the ongoing support I've received with my poetry collection. I feel so lucky and loved! You can pick up your Kinde copy here. I also recently learned that if you're from somewhere other than the UK, you can order a physical copy from booksellers such as Barnes & Noble and the Bookshop. If you've already picked up a copy, thank you endlessly!

Thank you, as always, for reading my blog. It's been a creative outlet for me for many years, and I'm just grateful for anyone reading this post or who has ever read any post on my blog- it truly means the world!

Available on KU

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Hello lovelies!

As some of you may know, on my 25th birthday last year, I published my very first poetry collection, The Moon is a Lesbian! It's almost the first anniversary, and I am still shocked at how much support I received and all the love people have given to it. It is a proud moment when people buy your books (some even take pictures with them and cry each time).  

 Publishing the collection was definitely a highlight of 2023. It made some great sales and, at one point, ranked 9 on Amazon's LGBTQ+ Anthologies list, which was just incredible. Since the release, I've been writing my heart out (as always) and have decided that on the year anniversary (23rd March 2024), I will be releasing a Kindle version of The Moon is a Lesbian. However, it will include some new poems!! So far, ten new poems, but more could be added between then and now!

I altered the cover slightly, wanting the Kindle version to look somewhat different from the physical copy. So, here is the cover for the Kindle edition of my poetry collection:

In case you didn't hear about it the first time, the collection is filled with personal poems that cover the topics of love, lesbian life, coming out, mental health, politics, queer panic, and all that is in my heart. I'm excited to share this extended poetry collection with you in the upcoming weeks! 

Keep an eye out, and thank you as always for reading my blog and supporting my words <3 

Kindle Edition

Monday 11 March 2024